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Cross-Platform App Development Trends & Frameworks 2024

icon17 July 2024
icon12 minutes read
icon22 minutes audio
iconMemory Squared

Table of Contents

Cross-platform app development has become a buzzword in the tech industry, promising to streamline the development process and reduce costs by allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms. But is it truly worth it? This article delves into the growing importance of cross-platform solutions, explores the best frameworks and tools currently available, and provides insights on choosing the right framework for your project.

What Is a Cross-Platform Mobile App Development?

Cross-platform (or hybrid) app development is an alternative to writing separate applications for each operating system in their dedicated technologies. The popularity of this approach began in the early 2010s with technologies like Cordova, which used embedded web browsers (WebView) in mobile apps. This allowed developers to create a web application that looked like a native mobile app. 

While this enabled a shared codebase, such applications had many drawbacks and could easily be distinguished from native apps due to poorer performance and less fluid interactions. 

The evolution of cross-platform technology has since brought much better solutions, such as React Native. With React Native, the application's source code can be shared across different platforms (Android, iOS) and compiled into separate native apps. These apps are often indistinguishable from those written in native technologies.

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses need to keep up with a variety of devices and platforms that users rely on daily.  As a result, more companies are turning to cross-platform solutions to stay competitive and meet their customers' expectations. 

Is Cross-Platform App Development Service Worth It?

Absolutely! Cross-platform app development is transforming how businesses approach their digital strategies. By developing a single codebase that runs on multiple platforms like iOS and Android, companies can efficiently manage resources, reduce development costs, and reach a wider audience without compromising on quality.

Businesses report saving up to 30% in development costs and a significant reduction in time-to-market when adopting cross-platform development frameworks.

The Future Trends of Cross-Platform Development

The future of cross-platform development looks promising as technological advancements continue to evolve. Several key trends and innovations
are shaping the landscape:

  • Enhanced performance. With improvements in frameworks like Flutter, React Native, and Xamarin, cross-platform apps are now capable of delivering native-like performance. This trend is likely to continue, reducing the performance gap between native and cross-platform applications.
  • AI and machine learning integration. Cross-platform frameworks are increasingly supporting advanced features like AI and machine learning. This integration allows developers to build more intelligent and responsive applications that can leverage data-driven insights across all platforms.
  • Cloud-based development. The rise of cloud services is transforming cross-platform development. Cloud-based development environments and backend services enable seamless integration, scalability, and real-time updates, making it easier to manage and deploy cross-platform applications.
  • IoT compatibility. As the Internet of Things expands, cross-platform solutions are becoming essential for ensuring compatibility across a wide range of connected devices. This trend is driving the demand for versatile applications that can operate seamlessly in an interconnected ecosystem.
  • Growing community and ecosystem. The developer community around cross-platform frameworks is expanding rapidly. This growth is leading to more robust support, extensive libraries, and a wealth of resources, making it easier for developers to build high-quality apps.

What Is a Cross-Platform App Development Framework?

A cross-platform app development framework is a set of tools and libraries that developers use to create apps capable of running on multiple operating systems, like Android and iOS, from a single codebase. These frameworks streamline the development process by offering pre-built components and APIs that handle the differences between platforms. 

As a result, developers can focus on building the app's functionality without needing to manage the complexities of each operating system separately. This approach not only saves time but also ensures a consistent user experience across different devices.

Choosing the right cross-platform framework can be a tough decision. With so many options out there, it’s important to find the one that best fits your needs. Here are the top frameworks that stand out:

1. React Native

Logo of React Native

React Native, developed by Facebook, has been a favorite in the cross-platform development world for years. It uses TypeScript/JavaScript and React to create mobile apps that feel truly native. One of its biggest strengths is the vast library of third-party plugins and pre-built components, which can really speed up development. 

This framework is known for its solid performance and strong community support, making it a go-to choice for many developers. It also supports hot reloading, so you can see code changes in real time without rebuilding the whole app.

React Native has a reputation for being challenging when it comes to creating advanced animations. While it's true that this requires significant knowledge, effort, and close collaboration between the Interaction Designer and Developer, at Memory2, we have successfully created very sophisticated and unique interactions and animations. This demonstrates that with the right expertise and teamwork, even complex animation tasks can be achieved effectively in React Native.

2. Flutter

Logo of Flutter

Flutter, created by Google, is another top player in the cross-platform game. It uses Dart as its programming language and comes with a rich set of customizable widgets for fast and attractive UI development. Flutter's hot reload feature allows developers to see changes in real time, significantly speeding up the development process. It supports building apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. 

While Flutter shines in UI design and quick development, it can result in larger app sizes and has fewer third-party plugins compared to React Native. Flutter’s Skia rendering engine ensures smooth performance across platforms, providing a great user experience. Plus, its integration with Firebase offers strong backend support.

3. Ionic

Logo of Ionic

Ionic is a versatile framework that uses web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works well with Angular, but also supports React and Vue. Ionic is known for being easy to use and having a huge library of plugins, making it an excellent choice for developers familiar with web technologies. It allows for the creation of highly interactive and responsive apps. 

However, performance might not be as strong as that of more native-focused solutions, especially for resource-heavy apps. Ionic's Capacitor and Cordova plugins provide access to native device features, and its Progressive Web App (PWA) capabilities allow for a seamless web-to-mobile transition. Ionic’s cloud services, like Ionic Appflow, help manage app development from start to finish.

4. NativeScript

Logo of NativeScript

NativeScript stands out by offering direct access to native APIs using JavaScript, TypeScript, or Angular. This framework lets developers create apps with high native performance and functionality. NativeScript is particularly useful for developers needing deep integration with platform-specific features. Its smaller community and steeper learning curve can be a downside, but it remains a powerful tool for those willing to invest the time. 

NativeScript’s ability to use native UI components ensures a high level of platform consistency and performance. It also integrates well with popular front-end frameworks like Angular and Vue.js, catering to different developer preferences.

5. .NET MAUI (Formerly Xamarin)

Logo of .NET MAUI

.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI), which evolved from Xamarin, is a powerful framework backed by Microsoft. It supports C# and .NET, making it an attractive option for developers already in the Microsoft ecosystem. .NET MAUI allows for a shared codebase across mobile and desktop apps, offering great flexibility and scalability. 

While it offers strong performance and comprehensive documentation, the learning curve can be steep for newcomers, and the resulting app sizes can be larger compared to other frameworks. .NET MAUI’s integration with Visual Studio provides a robust development environment with advanced debugging and testing tools. Its support for Blazor enables the creation of web-based UIs within MAUI apps, enhancing its versatility.

Best Cross-Platform Mobile Development Frameworks Comparison

Choosing the right cross-platform mobile development framework can significantly impact your app's success. Each framework offers unique advantages and drawbacks, so it's important to understand how they stack up against each other. Here’s a comparison of the top frameworks along with some popular apps built using each one. For most projects, we recommend React Native for its strong community support and high performance.

React Native


  • Strong community support 
  • High performance
  • Extensive library of pre-built components


  • Requires knowledge of native development

Cross-platform apps examples: Facebook, Instagram



  • Fast development with hot reload
  • Rich set of customizable widgets
  • Single codebase for mobile, web, and desktop


  • Large app size
  • Limited third-party libraries

Cross-platform apps examples: Google Ads, Alibaba



  • Uses web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Strong integration with Angular
  • Large library of plugins


  • Performance may lag behind native apps
  • Heavy reliance on plugins

Cross-platform apps examples: MarketWatch, Sworkit



  • Fast development with hot reload
  • Rich set of customizable widgets
  • Single codebase for mobile, web, and desktop


  • Large app size
  • Limited third-party libraries

Cross-platform apps examples: Google Ads, Alibaba



  • Robust and mature framework
  • Strong support from Microsoft
  • Shared codebase for mobile and desktop


  • Larger app size
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners

Cross-platform apps examples: Alaska Airlines, Olo

How to Choose the Right Cross-Platform App Development Framework for Your Project?

Choosing the right framework depends on several factors, including your project requirements, team expertise, and the desired user experience. Here are some key considerations:

Project requirements

Identify the features and performance requirements of your app. For example, if you need high-performance animations, Flutter might be a better choice than Ionic. Determine if your app will need access to specific native features or if it will be resource-intensive. Understanding these needs will help narrow down your framework options.

Team expertise

Consider your team's existing skills. If your team has experience with web technologies or you want a high level of consistency between your web and mobile applications, then React Native is the best solution. If they have experience with C#, .NET MAUI might be more suitable. Different frameworks require different programming languages and skill sets — for example, Flutter uses Dart. 

Community and support

A strong community can provide valuable resources and support. React Native and Flutter have large communities and extensive documentation, making it easier to find help and resources when needed. Check for active forums, frequent updates, and availability of learning materials.

Third-party libraries

Check the availability of third-party libraries and plugins. Some frameworks, like React Native, have a vast ecosystem of libraries that can speed up development and add functionality. Having a wide range of libraries can help you avoid reinventing the wheel and focus on building your app’s unique features. 

Long-term maintenance

Consider the app's long-term maintenance and scalability. Frameworks with strong backing and regular updates, such as .NET MAUI, ensure longevity. Evaluate the framework’s release cycle and update frequency to ensure it can keep up with platform changes and security updates.

UI customization

Depending on how crucial the user interface is for your future app, you may need to know how easily you can customize the UI using a particular framework. For example, Flutter offers a rich set of customizable widgets that can help create a unique and engaging user experience. Evaluate the framework’s flexibility in designing and implementing UI components.

Framework maturity

Find out how frequently the public API and tooling for a prospective framework change. Some changes to native operating system components can break internal cross-platform behavior. Browse GitHub to check how many bugs the framework has and how these bugs are being handled. A mature framework with a stable API can reduce unexpected issues during development.


Security and privacy are especially important when building critical mobile apps for business, such as banking and e-commerce apps that include a payment system. Ensure that the cross-platform framework you choose provides the required level of security. 

As you explore the latest trends and frameworks in cross-platform app development, it's also crucial to consider the best strategies for bringing your app to life. If you're looking to streamline your development process, outsourcing can be a smart move. Check out our guide on how to smartly outsource mobile app development for expert tips on finding the right development partner and ensuring your project’s success.

right arrowHow To Smartly Outsource Mobile App Development in 2024

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development – Pros and Cons

Cross-platform mobile app development offers numerous benefits, but it also comes with some challenges. Here’s a detailed look at the pros and cons to help you decide if it’s the right approach for your project:

Pros of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

An icon of a person holding a discount ticket and statistic tables and calculator in the backgroud
There are many advantages to cross-platform app development, like cost savings or faster time of releasing the app
  • Cost-effective. Using a single codebase for multiple platforms significantly reduces development and maintenance costs. This approach eliminates the need for separate teams to maintain different versions of the app for iOS, Android, and other platforms.
  • Faster time to market. Developing a single codebase speeds up the development process and allows for quicker deployment. Updates and new features can be rolled out simultaneously across all platforms, ensuring that your app remains up-to-date and competitive.
  • Consistent user experience. A uniform look and feel across all platforms is crucial for brand consistency and user satisfaction. Cross-platform development ensures that your app provides a consistent user experience, regardless of the device or operating system.
  • Wider audience reach. By making your app available on multiple platforms, you can reach a larger audience. This expanded reach can increase market penetration and user acquisition, helping your app grow more quickly.
  • Cross-functional development team. Thanks to React Native, the mobile app code will be easily understandable for a front-end developer who knows React. This allows for greater flexibility and stability within the team.
  • Reusable code. One of the significant advantages is that the code can be reused across different platforms. Instead of writing new code for each platform, developers can use a single codebase. This not only saves time but also resources by eliminating repetitive tasks.
  • Easy integration with Cloud. Cross-platform mobile applications are highly compatible with various cloud services. They can leverage different plugins integrated with cloud settings, enhancing the app’s scalability and functionality. This integration allows the single source code to work seamlessly with various plugins and extensions. 

Cons of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

A person holding a smartphone and icons of a locked padlock and a man with a key
Cross-platform app development can also have some weak points, like limited access to native features or larger application size
  • Performance limitations. Cross-platform apps might not match the performance of native apps, especially for resource-intensive applications or apps with complex animations and interactions. This can lead to slower load times and less smooth user experiences.
  • Limited access to native features. Some native features may not be fully supported or might require additional plugins, which can complicate development and maintenance. This limitation can affect the app’s ability to leverage the full capabilities of the device.
  • Larger app size. Cross-platform apps often have larger file sizes compared to native apps. This can impact download times and storage requirements on users' devices, potentially deterring some users from downloading your app.
  • Dependency on frameworks. Relying heavily on frameworks means that you are dependent on their maintenance and updates. If a framework becomes obsolete or is not well-maintained, it can pose significant challenges. Developers must stay up-to-date with changes in the framework's ecosystem to ensure their apps continue to function smoothly. That's why it's worth choosing a stable framework with a large community. 

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Company: Memory2

Memory2 is at the forefront of delivering high-quality cross-platform mobile apps. Here’s how we address common challenges associated with cross-platform development:

  • Native app development expertise. Although we focus on cross-platform development, we have a deep understanding of native app development. This knowledge allows us to write React code that translates effectively into native code. As a result, we can create custom solutions and address issues at their source.
  • Cross-functional team. By using similar technologies for both web and mobile frontends (React.js and React Native), we achieve high consistency and understanding among our team members. Our dedicated web and mobile developers can easily comprehend each other’s code, establish optimal development approaches, and sometimes even create reusable components for all platforms.
  • Performance optimization. We leverage advanced techniques and tools to ensure our apps perform optimally, rivaling native applications.
  • Native feature access. Our team excels in integrating native features seamlessly, ensuring no functionality is compromised.
  • App size management. With a deep understanding of the application's structure and native effects, we can smartly manage app size. While cross-platform apps may be slightly larger than native ones, the difference is often just a few dozen MB, which typically has no significant impact on the user.
  • Handling advanced functionality. At Memory Squared, we've encountered situations where the functionality required by our app wasn't supported by the available React Native libraries. This happened, for example, when we needed to scan unusual QR codes, perform image recognition, or integrate the mobile app with a Bluetooth printer via Serial Port. Such scenarios don't rule out the use of cross-platform technology — they just require us to write our own React Native library to handle native operations in Kotlin for Android or Swift/Objective-C for iOS. Therefore, it's important for a development team working with hybrid technology to have knowledge of native programming. In our experience, even when we had to write custom extensions, using React Native was still cost-effective and beneficial for the project compared to developing native applications.
  • Long-term support. We provide ongoing support and updates, ensuring your app remains relevant and functional as technologies evolve.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, cross-platform app development offers significant benefits in terms of cost, time, and user reach. However, it’s crucial to choose the right framework and partner with an experienced development company like Memory2 to navigate the challenges and fully capitalize on the advantages.

FAQs on Cross-Platform App Development Services

Which language is best for cross-platform app development?


For cross-platform app development, JavaScript is often considered the best language due to its versatility and widespread use, especially with frameworks like React Native. JavaScript allows developers to build high-performance, native-like apps while leveraging a large ecosystem of libraries and community support. Additionally, its ease of learning and familiarity among web developers make it a popular choice for many development teams.

Is React Native better than Kotlin?


React Native is better for cross-platform development, while Kotlin excels in native Android development. React Native allows you to use a single codebase for both iOS and Android, saving time and resources. However, Kotlin offers more control and better access to Android-specific features. Your choice depends on whether you prioritize cross-platform compatibility or native performance.

Is React Native better than Swift?


Similarly to Kotlin for Android, Swift is a native app development language for iOS. So, the question of what's better is related to cross-platform vs native. React Native allows for cross-platform development, enabling the creation of apps for both iOS and Android with a single codebase, which can save time and resources. 

Swift, being a native language for iOS, offers better performance, more access to native APIs, and smoother integration with Apple's ecosystem, leading to a more optimized and potentially more stable app for iOS users. The choice depends on the project's requirements: React Native is advantageous for broader reach and faster development, while Swift excels in performance and deep integration with iOS features.

How much does cross-platform app development cost?


Cross-platform app development typically costs between $20,000 and $100,000, depending on the app's complexity and features. This approach can be more cost-effective than developing separate apps for iOS and Android since it uses a single codebase. Factors like the development team's location, experience, and project timeline also influence the final cost. 

Eastern European developers, including outsourcing companies in Poland, are recognized for their high technical expertise and offer lower prices compared to the US and many other countries, making them reliable and budget-friendly partners.

How do I become a cross-platform app developer?


To become a cross-platform app developer, start by learning key programming languages like JavaScript and frameworks like React Native or Flutter. Gain hands-on experience by building and experimenting with small projects. Enhance your skills with online courses and tutorials, and stay updated with the latest industry trends. Practice regularly, and consider joining developer communities to share knowledge and seek support.

What are the examples of cross-platform app development tools?


Cross-platform app development tools are not significantly different from the standard tools used by mobile app developers. An IDE (such as Visual Studio Code) is still needed, and building and publishing apps for iOS will still require Xcode and a MacBook. Depending on the chosen cross-platform technology, additional tools and compilers specific to that technology may also be needed.

Memory Squared

Memory Squared - Design Driven Software House
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